Monday 22 November 2010


Today we narrowed our search for our main character. We ended up with three girls, Emilie, Shannon and Eloise. We then went through the advantages and disadvantages of each girl.

Emilie Hickford
Advantages: She is free most weekdays so we would have easy access to her. Also she loves to act and took drama at GCSE.
Disadvantages: She isnt free on weekends so if we needed her at that time we would have to arrange a time during the weekday. This would be a disadvantage as it might hold us back and delay time.

Eloise Hewitt

Advantages: She also, like Emilie loves to act whenever she can!

Disadvantages: She doesnt really have anyfree time so we would have to work our way around her and when she is free.

Shannon Slow

Advantages: Like our other two candidates, Shannon also enjoys acting. She also like Emilie, took drama as a GCSE.

Disadvantages: Shannon goes to college during the week, so we would have to do our work with her on the weekends which would be difficult as will have to arrange far ahead when we would be doing the acting with her.

After discussing and going through each of the candidates, we have decided that we aregoing to choose Emilie for our main actor.

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