Thursday 30 September 2010


In todays lesson, as a class we discussed the concept of film genres, specifically looking at horror. We then looked at the conventions that we would expect in a horror film. We then quickly looked at the history of movies which would help us for our homework.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


In todays lesson I was shown how to transport a file from the camcorders onto the Macs, this is extremely important as all the footage my group take will need to be uploaded onto the Mac so that I edit the footage to make it better. In this lesson my group was also given the freedom to go off and explore the camcorders, our group decided to go and practise our prelim task involving other students.

Friday 24 September 2010


In this lesson my group and I worked on the Mac computers, we were shown a quick demonstration on how to use them and were allowed to edit a piece of footage given to us. This including switching different scenes around so that they flowed and made sense.


In todays lesson, I was shown how to operate the video cameras which also involved being shown how to create different camera movements and angles. In this lesson my group was also able to continue and finish of our storyboards for the Preliminary task.

Wednesday 15 September 2010


In todays lesson I began to understand the concept of storyboarding. This then led me and my group to begin planning our storyboard for the priliminary task. On the storyboard, camera angles, camera movements and camera shots all needed to be included along with location and sound.


I have already completed several tasks for my Media Studies course. I firstly created and set up my blog account and then went on to set up a slideshare account which is valuable for later on in the course when I need to add powerpoints to my blog. I have also became familiar with the key words and language used in Media. I posted my first blog onto my account to check everything was working and also double checked that my email account was working as I need it throughout the course.

I have also learnt and became familiar with the camera angles, camera movements and camera shots which is vital in the course. I am now aware of the priliminary task I have to complete with a group of my choice. My groups contains the following people; Brodie Cameron and Taylor Wright.

My First Blog

This is the first blog added to my page.