Saturday 30 April 2011


Today we completed everything on our horror film opening and converted it into a quicktime file. We burned our horror film opening onto a disc ready to be sent ff to the examiner. As everything was completed we started our evaluation.

Wednesday 27 April 2011


Today we began discussing where we wanted out opening title to go in our horror film, we decided that we wanted to place the title at the end.

After speaking to Mr Henton, he told us about a program called LiveType. It is a program which allows you to create a title using different effects.

We played around with a few different ways and finally came up with a way that we thought looked good and suited the genre.

Today we also added an image to our distribution company to make it look more realistic as all of the films released include logo's.


Today we decided and completed our ending to our horror film opening. After we had done this, we began thinking and narrowing down names for our opening. We came up with a few names and made a group decision to call our opening; Unlocked.

Thursday 31 March 2011


Today, we managed to add an ending to our opening and we started to think about what the title of our horror opening would be. We also thought about where we would add our title and what effects we could use.

Once we had edited our ending together we exported our rough edit onto a quicktime movie and saved it on to a memory card. We then produced a questionnaire about our opening so far. We went round and asked 8 of the fellow sixth form students if they would take time out to watch our opening and fill out the questionnaire. By doing this we were able to look at improving our opening.

Evaluation of questionnaire

From looking at the responses from our filled out questionnaires we were able to see that all 8 of our respondents thought our opening was a horror film opening and 6 of our respondents thought that it was the opening of a film whilst the remaining 2 thought it was either the middle of a film or ending of a film. We also found out that 6 out of 8 respondents said that the clip they saw makes them want to watch the remainder of the film. We also took great notice at the things the respondents liked about our clip and what they thought needed to be improved. 6 of the respondents said that they liked the music and sound effects of our opening which is extremely positive. When talking about improving our footage, 4 of our 8 respondents said that they thought the text message could be displayed for longer so the audience have a chance to read it properly, this is extremely helpful as we can go back to final cut and extend the clip of the text message. The remaining respondents thought that the weather was a bit bright for 6.45 in the morning.

Tuesday 29 March 2011


Today we uploaded our footage that we recorded after school yesterday and managed to upload a further 1 minute 11 seconds of footage made up off 12 clips.

Once this footage was uploaded onto the Macs we played around with the clips and began to edit them onto our rough opening.


After school today we went back to Taylor's to begin filming our ending. We were meant o be having a male actor in this part however, the person that we had organised wasn't able to turn up due to personal reasons. We therefore had to attempt to make Chloe, our actress, look like a man. To do this we gave her male trousers, shoes and jacket and we made her have her hood up. We filmed a variety of different shots including long shots and extreme close ups.