Thursday 17 February 2011


Today we uploaded the last bits of our footage onto the macs. We uploaded 5 mins, 25 seconds which inlcuded 39 clips.

After uploading all of our filming footage we have around 14 minutes of footage.


Today we took a camera out and we filmed some more of our footage, we managed to get the majority of the filming we needed filmed. We now need to make sure we have a sufficient number of still images to go into our dream sequence.

We will need to take these pictures during the half term holidays and make sure they are uploaded onto the macs by Wednesday 2nd March.

Thursday 10 February 2011


We began uploading our footage onto the Macs today. We mananged to upload around 5 minutes of footage which contained 36 clips. We then imported the second part of our footage which was 3 mins 51 seconds with 35 clips.


We went to the library to collect a camera and tripod but Miss Georgeson was absent so we were unable to get one. Due to this, we found Mr Henton who gave us one of his cameras to use. We continued filming some footage after school with our actor; Chloe Keenoo.

Thursday 3 February 2011


Today, myself and taylor began our filming for our opening scene, Brodie was absent so could not participate.
We were only able to film for a short amount of time, which meant we were only able to film 2 scenes. This was because our actor was short on time and needed to go.